Déjanil 1.0 H GmbH & Co. KG, Meinersen
Diekhorster Straße 17
38536 Meinersen
HRA 202306

Local court Hildesheim: NZS HRA 202306

Tax ID 16/204/38205

Owner, personally liable shareholder, Managing Director, Executive Board, authorized representatives and special power of representation:

Personally liable shareholder:
Déjanil Hotels GmbH, Meinersen (District court of Hildesheim HRB 206603)

Limited partner:
Hikmet Demir, Burgwedel

Hotel address:
Lise-Meitner-Straße 7
31303 Burgdorf

Contact telephone number:
+49 5136 97945-0

inspiretta @
wilpunt @


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